Creation and representation of objects on screen
Use case:
- Text entry in TextBox field
- Validation of entry
- Creation of object from entry
- Creation of item list that represents object
The objects themselves are stored in an array of objects: hArrObjcets AS NEW Object[]
The presentation happens with the name as string sName in a listbox lsbxObjects
Text entry
- Jump to text box if appropiate; sequence of use in application; content has to be cleared or maintained to make a variation?
- Text box must be writable (readonly=FALSE) and look like (writable) “entry” field; i.e. same format allover the application (e.g. “lightbackground”, or white if other layout colored)
- Pre-fill when usefull, at least give example in tooltip.
- Make TAB jump to next relevant field, button or other screen object.
- Event: _KeyPress makes you check for the enter key: Key.Code = Key.Enter OR Key.Code = Key.Return
- If so, start the validation procedure
- If successfull, check duplicate entry (if applies): IF lsbxObjects.Find(sName) = -1
- If ok, start procedure to add an object
Object creation
- DIM newObject AS NEW ClassObect
- newObject.propertyN = …; newObjectSet(…)
- hArrObjects.Add(newObject, …)